Fu Jen Catholic University

Overview of Fu Jen Catholic University

Fu Jen Catholic University (FJU) is a prestigious institution located in New Taipei City, Taiwan. Established in 1925, FJU is the oldest Catholic university in Taiwan and is renowned for its commitment to academic excellence, ethical education, and service to society. The university offers a wide range of programs in various disciplines and is dedicated to nurturing well-rounded individuals who can contribute to the betterment of society. With its emphasis on holistic education, research, and social responsibility, FJU has become a leading institution in Taiwan and a center for intellectual and moral development.

Founding History

Fu Jen Catholic University was founded by the Holy See and the Society of the Divine Word, a Catholic religious order. The university’s establishment was part of the Catholic Church’s efforts to promote education and provide a platform for Catholic values and teachings in Taiwan.

In 1925, Fu Jen Catholic University was inaugurated in Beijing, China, as the first Catholic university in East Asia. It aimed to provide a comprehensive education that integrates faith, reason, and service to society.

After the Chinese Civil War, in 1949, the university relocated to Taiwan and reestablished itself in New Taipei City. Since then, FJU has grown and evolved into a leading institution, embracing its Catholic identity while promoting academic excellence and social engagement.

Departments and Colleges

FJU offers a wide range of academic programs across various disciplines. The university is organized into several colleges and departments, each specializing in different fields of study. Here are some of the notable colleges and departments within FJU:

  • College of Liberal Arts: The College of Liberal Arts encompasses departments such as Chinese Literature, English, and History. It focuses on providing a comprehensive education in the humanities, fostering critical thinking, cultural understanding, and moral development.
  • College of Science and Engineering: This college offers programs in areas such as Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, and Chemical Engineering. It promotes scientific research, technological innovation, and ethical application of knowledge.
  • College of Business Administration: This college specializes in business and management education, offering programs such as Business Administration, Finance, and Marketing. It equips students with the necessary skills to succeed in the dynamic global business environment while promoting ethical business practices.
  • College of Foreign Languages and Literature: This college focuses on the study of foreign languages and literature, offering programs in areas such as English, French, and German. It promotes cross-cultural understanding, language proficiency, and intercultural communication.
  • College of Law: The College of Law provides a comprehensive education in law, covering areas such as constitutional law, criminal law, and international law. It fosters legal knowledge, critical thinking, and ethical practice.

Courses Offered

FJU provides a diverse range of courses that cater to the interests and aspirations of its students. Here are some of the courses offered at FJU:

  • Ethics and Moral Reasoning: This course explores ethical theories and principles, cultivating students’ moral reasoning and ethical decision-making skills. It promotes reflection on moral issues and encourages students to apply ethical principles in their personal and professional lives.
  • International Relations: This course delves into the complexities of global politics and international relations. It explores topics such as diplomacy, global governance, and international conflicts, fostering a deeper understanding of the interconnected world.
  • Environmental Ethics: This course examines the ethical dimensions of environmental issues, exploring topics such as sustainable development, climate change, and conservation ethics. It promotes environmental awareness and ethical responsibility towards the natural world.
  • Business Ethics: This course explores ethical issues related to business practices, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable development. It examines ethical frameworks for decision-making in the business context and encourages responsible business practices.
  • Philosophy of Life: This course delves into philosophical inquiries about the meaning and purpose of life, exploring various philosophical traditions and perspectives. It encourages students to reflect on the fundamental questions of human existence.


Fu Jen Catholic University stands as a prominent institution in Taiwan, known for its commitment to academic excellence, ethical education, and service to society. With its rich history and diverse range of departments and programs, FJU offers students a holistic and values-driven education. As FJU continues to foster intellectual and moral development, promote research, and engage with the global community, it solidifies its position as a leading institution in Taiwan and a center for the pursuit of knowledge and service.

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